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School of Law

Dr Ulrich Wuermeling, Rechtsanwalt (Germany), Solicitor (England and Wales)


Visiting Professor for Privacy and Data Protection Law


Ulrich Wuermeling specialises in privacy and data protection law. From 1986 to 1995 he studied in Bayreuth, Southampton, Wuerzburg, London and New York. In 1993, he received his LLM in International Business Law from Queen Mary University of London and wrote his LLM thesis on the - then draft - European Data Protection Directive. In 1998, he obtained his doctorate from the University of Würzburg with a thesis titled “Trade Barrier Privacy”. In 1996, he passed his bar exam in Bavaria and went on to work for the law firms Wessing, Clifford Chance and Latham & Watkins. He became partner in 1999 and joint Latham & Watkins in 2002 where he worked in the Frankfurt and London offices of the firm until 2023.  His roles at the firm included heading the German Technology Transactions practice and co-chairing the global Information Technology Industry Practice Group. His work included complex data protection matters as well as high profile disputes with data protection authorities, consumer protection groups and individuals.

Postgraduate Teaching

  • CCLP209 EU Data Protection Law
  • SOLM209 EU Data Protection Law



Selected English Language Publications

  • Modernization of European data protection law at a turning point, Computer Law & Security Review, Issue 28, 2012, pp. 587‐588.
  • Germany introduces new HR privacy regulations, Privacy Laws & Business International Newsletter, April 2010, p. 22.
  • Germany: Instant dismissal for private use of the Internet at work, Privacy Laws & Business International Newsletter, December 2005, p. 6.
  • New German Digital Signature Act to Come into Force, Computer Law and Security Report (CLSR 2001), p. 284.
  • New Data Protection Laws Adopted in Germany. Jointly with Daniel Widstrand, Privacy Laws and Business International Newsletter, May 2001, p. 3‐4.
  • E‐Commerce – Germany: Implementation of the E‐Commerce‐Directive in Germany. Jointly with Thies Deike, Computer Law & Security Report, Issue 3, 2001, pp. 168‐169.
  • E‐Commerce – Germany: Implementation of the E‐Commerce‐Directive in Germany.
  • EU's Privacy Directive Endangers World Commerce, IP Worldwide Intellectual Property, Issue 1, 1999, pp. 3 ‐ 6.
  • Multimedia Law ‐ Germany, Computer Law and Security Report, Issue 1, 1998, pp. 41 ‐ 44.
  • Harmonisation of European Union Privacy Law, The John Marshall Journal of Computer & Information Law 1996, Volume 14, No. 3, pp. 411‐460.
  • Software Protection in Germany ‐ Recent Court Decisions in Copyright Law. Jointly with Andreas Günther, Computer Law and Security Report, Issue 1, 1995, pp. 15 ‐ 17.
  • The German Implementation of the EC Directive on Software Protection. Jointly with Andreas Günther, Computer Law and Security Report, Issue 4, 1993, pp. 176 ‐ 179.
  • Germany: International Computer Crime Conference, International Enforcement Law Reporter, Issue 10, 1992, pp. 493 ‐ 495.
  • German and English Law Against Computer Crime ‐ A Comparative Survey, Computer Law and Security Report, Issue 3, 1990, pp. 15 ‐ 16.
  • New Dimensions of Computer‐Crime, Computer Law and Security Report, Issue 4, 1989,pp. 20 ‐ 21.

German Language Publications

  • Over 50 academic and over 100 other publications on privacy, IT, Internet and telecommunications
  • 1990 ‐ 2007, Co‐Editor of the German Data Protection Advisor (Datenschutz‐Berater).

Public Engagement


  • Over 150 conference and seminar presentations as well over 50 newspaper, radio and television interviews on privacy, IT, Internet and telecommunications law.
  • Since 1998, moderator of one of the leading data protection conferences in Germany (Euroforum Datenschutzkongress).
  • November 2013, speaker at the Academy of European Law, Trier, on the European Data Protection Reform and Cloud Computing.
  • October 2012, expert advisor for the German Parliament in a public hearing on the European Data Protection Reform.
  • October 2012, speaker at a conference of the Alexander von Humboldt University in Berlin and the German Ministry of Interior on the European Data Protection Reform.
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