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School of Law

SOLM177 Migration and Asylum Law Through Practice

This module is not running for 2024-25 entry. Check our LLM and Diploma module list to see other related modules you could take.

Module Description

SOLM177 is an internship-based module, open to all students interested in gaining practical experience with top-range QM-exclusive placements with key organisations working in immigration, asylum, and human rights, including:

It examines the international and regional (especially European) law dimensions of protecting refugees and other categories of migrants through practice. It provides a comprehensive overview of the concepts and workings of international law, in general, and international and regional refugee, migration, and human rights law, in particular, as they relate to cross-border movement, covering aspects of freedom of movement, transnational crime, corporate mobility, family reunification, refugees and humanitarian governance. Tuition will be delivered in mixed fashion, through a part-time, 12-week placement with one of the industry partners offering Queen Mary-exclusive internships (above) in combination with group reflection and consultation sessions with the module convener.

Application and Selection Process - Information and Meet & Greet Session

Prospective students need to undergo a competitive application and selection process during the LLM induction period. An information and “Meet & Greet” session with the internship providers will be held online < > [please, copy and paste the link in your browser] on 21 September 2021, from 18:00 BST, providing all the details regarding the process and presenting the different placements available.

The session is open to all LLM students. If interested, please, register via Eventbrite.

Applicable Groupings

This module is available to LLM students on the Immigration, Criminal Justice, Public International Law, or Human Rights specialisms as well as to LLM students on the General Laws programme as a free elective.

Taking another immigration-related module during Term 1 is a pre-requisite.


30 Credits


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