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School of Law

Kaarthiga Manimaran

"I have made connections with individuals in the Americas, various parts of Europe and Asia... This gave me an insight into other legal jurisdictions which I previously would not have had"


Year of graduation: 2023
Name of programme: Art, Business and Law LLM
Country: Singapore
Current Position: Client Service Representative at Phillips Auctioneers (London), Future Trainee Solicitor (London)


What influenced your decision to study at CCLS, Queen Mary?

The University's strong international reputation and the array of courses it offered attracted me to the university. Additionally, it is one of the few universities in the UK that offers a masters in Art, Law and Business. As my interest lies in working in the creative industry as an intellectual property lawyer, Queen Mary offered me the tools to achieve that goal in the long run.

How did you find the teaching and learning?

The dedicated lecturers who showed genuine enthusiasm for the subject they were lecturing on and the visiting lecturers from different fields provided me with a well rounded education at Queen Mary. The lecturers were interactive and prioritised discussions and debates in classes which built confidence in me.

What was key about your programme/ were there any highlights?

The key aspects of the course were the classes we had in and out of the classroom. We had the opportunities to tour the V&A and the Tate. We had meetings with the legal department at Bonhams and welcome drinks with Boodle Hatfield. This allowed me to network with important individuals in the art world. Additionally, Queen Mary's partnership with Boodle Hatfield allowed me to participate in an Art Law internship at Boodle Hatfield over the summer. I learnt more about the insights of the firm and the art law sector through this experience. 

Did you combine modules across specialisations, where available, and if so, what were the advantages of this?

We were not allowed to do so for the course I was on.

What did you enjoy about living in London whilst studying at CCLS?

I enjoy the opportunities that London offers in various sectors. Being located in the CCLS building, I had access to different restaurants, cafes and events. 

Did you learn alongside and are you still in touch with classmates from other legal jurisdictions around the world? How did this add to your experience?

I have made connections with individuals in the Americas, various parts of Europe and Asia. I am still in contact with these individuals. This gave me an insight into other legal jurisdictions which I previously would not have had. Coming from a small, vibrant city like Singapore, this has expanded my world view greatly. 

Has gaining a deeper understanding of your specialisation helped your career?

My masters in Art, Law and Business in Queen Mary has landed me a role at Phillips Auctioneers. It has also provided me with strong standing in the legal field. I currently hold a training contract offer to a City Law firm. 

What piece of insight or advice would you offer for future students?

Use every opportunity that comes up, network with every individual, visiting lecturer etc. Be vocal about the areas you are passionate about such as writing an essay related to your passion or speaking to visiting lecturers/ solicitors etc. Utilise the resources that the University provides such as access to journals, books, etc. Do not be nervous to put yourself in new rooms or settings. Most importantly, be confident and believe in yourself.

What was your best experience of studying at CCLS, Queen Mary?

My best experience at CCLS is the presentation we were required to complete for our Art Dispute Resolutions module. I had the opportunity to work with teammates from other courses for this presentation. I thoroughly enjoyed the friendships I made in that group project and continue to stay in contact with them.

Would you be willing to share your Testimonial? If so, you could help a prospective student to make an informed choice to study at Queen Mary. (Class of 2021, 2022 and 2023 only).



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