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School of Law

Miran Andre Sestan, Energy & Climate Change Law (2023)


Programme: Energy and Natural Resources Law LLM
Year: 2023
Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Current Role: Transactions Specialist, LevelTen Energy

What influenced your decision to study at CCLS, Queen Mary?

My decision to study at CCLS, Queen Mary was influenced by three key factors: the program's strong rankings, the exciting city of London, and the opportunity to learn alongside a diverse range of students from around the world.

How did you find the teaching and learning?

The teaching and learning at CCLS were engaging, exciting, and ultimately very fulfilling. The professors were passionate and knowledgeable, and the coursework fostered a stimulating learning environment.

What was key about your programme/ were there any highlights?

The most important aspect of my program was the people I met and the development of valuable soft skills. The program provided excellent opportunities to learn critical thinking, research methods, communication, and strong writing skills.

Did you combine modules across specialisations, where available, and if so, what were the advantages of this?

Yes, I took advantage of the program's flexibility and combined modules across specializations. I particularly enjoyed combining banking and finance with energy law. This allowed me to meet students from different courses, meet new friends and gain a broader perspective on the legal field. I tried not to miss any of the pints after all the different classes which I attended.

What did you enjoy about living in London whilst studying at CCLS?

Living in London was incredible because it's such an international city. I loved being part of the vibrant international community, exploring the city's rich history, and immersing myself in the amazing music scene.

Did you learn alongside and are you still in touch with classmates from other legal jurisdictions around the world? How did this add to your experience?

Absolutely! That was the highlight of my experience. I learned so much from their unique perspectives and experiences, and we developed strong friendships that I continue to cherish. 

Has gaining a deeper understanding of your specialisation helped your career?

My current position is a direct result of the knowledge I acquired about the energy industry and the transferable skills I developed during my studies.

What piece of insight or advice would you offer for future students?

For future students, I would strongly advise embracing the internationality of CCLS. Make the most of the opportunity to learn from different cultures and meet people from all over the world. You'll be surprised by the lifelong friendships you can forge. Also, spend as much time as possible on meeting and hanging out with fellow students, because at the end of the day, that is what you will most remember a few years down the stretch. 

What was your best experience of studying at CCLS, Queen Mary?

Without a doubt, the best experience of studying at CCLS was the incredible people I met from all over the world. These friendships are something I'll treasure for the rest of my life. Also, I would like to use this opportunity to send my hugs to my friend Henrique in Brazil and my 40+ Algarve group!


Would you be willing to share your Testimonial? If so, you could help a prospective student to make an informed choice to study at Queen Mary. (Class of 2020 and 2021 only).



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