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School of Law

Maria-Thiresia Roussou, International Shipping Law LLM (2020)

“I will always have QMUL in my heart as it is a prestigious university and the LLM in International Shipping Law gave me a great insight into the industry”.

Maria-Thiresia Roussou

Year of graduation: 2020
Name of programme: International Shipping Law LLM, 2020
Country: Greece
Company name: Watson Farley and Williams-Associate Lawyer

"This LLM was highly appreciated by my employers. I had the opportunity to work on the very interesting subject of blockchain technology in shipping for my dissertation and this was also appreciated by the law firm where I work. Consequently, I had the opportunity to host a webinar for my law firm on blockchain technology, thanks to my QMUL dissertation".

What influenced your decision to choose a LLM at Queen Mary?

I decided to choose Queen Mary for my LLM in International Shipping Law primarily because it is a prestigious university and QMUL’s academic staff is known for having the highest level of experience and knowledge. The Centre for Commercial Law Studies has world-class experts and it will always be a matter of pride that I was their student at some point. QMUL also gives advice in relation to placement opportunities and other graduate jobs that helps in acquiring experience for students.

How did you find the teaching and learning?

I am extremely happy and satisfied with the learning experience I have had. Students came from different professional backgrounds, including qualified lawyers, like myself but also people who were not lawyers, but were shipping brokers or charterers or people who had just finished their undergraduate degree. This meant that more views and experiences fed into our discussions and provided for an interactive and motivating learning experience. Additionally, our professors hold prominent roles in their fields, providing both academic and industry insights in a comprehensive way. In fact, such insights are already proving to be quite useful in my job as a lawyer in a big law firm, like Watson Farley and Williams.

What was key about your programme/ were there any highlights?

I would say the interaction with our professors and some guest lecturers. In addition, the fact that modules were designed to cover all of the necessary perspectives of shipping, even the most up to date debates, like blockchain bills of lading.

Did you combine modules across specialisations and if so, what were the advantages of this?

My modules were only shipping modules, but as I did not want to limit myself to, strictly speaking, shipping modules, but wanted to follow legal challenges in the financial services and banking sector, I attended some QMUL webinars on banking and finance law.

What piece of insight or advice would you offer for future students?

Enjoy your time at QMUL, accept all new challenges, study hard and dream big! Achieve the previously unthinkable!

Has gaining a deeper understanding of your specialisation helped your career?

Definitely! I can now affirm that the LLM in International Shipping Law pushed me up in my career and gave me a great insight into the shipping industry and into many legal issues arising.

What was your best experience of studying at Queen Mary?

My amazing professors and the amazing relationships we had and we currently have and of course, the friends that I made. I also remember the amazing days of research at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies and everything I have learnt thought this LLM QMUL will always be in my heart!

Would you be willing to share your Testimonial? If so, you could help a prospective student to make an informed choice to study at Queen Mary. (Class of 2020, 2021 and 2022 only).



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