Time: 8:45am - 5:30pm Venue: Room 207, School of Law, Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Road, E1 4NS, London, United Kingdom
This workshop comprises a group of invited scholars and practitioners to consider two broad issues: first, what are the boundaries of art crime today and second, why is art crime an important issue that should be considered more seriously by international and national political and criminal justice agendas.
Speakers at the workshop represent the cutting edge of those working in the area of art crime and have been invited across numbers of disciplines, countries and regions. The workshop includes contributions that reflect the diversity and complexity of the issues involved in dealing with what is still a relatively new and emerging form of crime. Workshop participants have been invited to make short presentations regarding both of the issues above, and to engage in dialogue and discussion about the importance and relevance of art crime to society.
0845 Registration OpensArrival Tea & Coffee
0915-0930 Welcome and Opening
0930-1030 Perspectives in Law Enforcement Practice
1030-1130 Legal And Criminological Perspectives
1130-1200 Coffee Break
1200-1300 Perspectives in Archaeology
1400-1500 Perspectives in Art Law Practice
1500-1600 International Comparative Perspectives
1600-1630 Coffee Break
1630-1730 Conclusions
For directions to the venue please see the map.
Registration for this event is £10. To register, please visit the QMUL eshop before 12 May.
For more information please contact lawevents@qmul.ac.uk.
Please note that Department of Law events may be photographed or video and audio recorded. These materials will be used for internal and external promotional purposes only by Queen Mary University of London. If you object to appearing in the photographs, please let our photographer know on the day. Alternatively you can email lawevents@qmul.ac.uk in advance of the event that you are attending.