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Library Services

Celebrations and Conversations

Join us for an afternoon event marking the formal completion of the Mile End Library transformation project.

We want to invite Queen Mary University of London students, staff, partners, and well-wishers to join us in celebration as we complete a major project to extend and refurbish the Mile End Library, and initiate the next phase of our transformation, the multi-faceted Library Services Enhancement Project. 

Through this event, we want to showcase the very best of today’s Library Services, and engage participants in conversations which will help us to shape the future of our unique collections, services, and spaces, as we work towards our Vision that: 

“By 2030, Queen Mary Libraries will be making major contributions to the strategic ambitions of the University relating to learning, research and reputation”. 

The event will have four themes: 

  • Learning 
  • Research 
  • Digital  
  • Spaces 

The event will begin with a grand opening, followed by a range of open tours, demonstrations, and discussions around the four themes, which will take place in different locations in the Mile End Library. All participants will be encouraged to provide thoughts and feedback via digital media. 


2.30pm – 3.00pm  Registration
Register in the Mile End Library Foyer for the event and collect your programme

3.00pm – 3.15pm  Opening speeches With Sir Roly Keating, Chief Executive of the British Library, Professor Frances Bowen Vice-Principal and Executive Dean (Humanities and Social Sciences), and Serena-Amani Al Jabbar, President of Queen Mary Students’ Union

Explore and tour: Building tours, exhibition viewing and activities for visitors With Library Services colleagues 

This session will run twice: 3.30pm – 4.10pm: First run 4.20pm – 5.00pm: Second run  Discussion A: Understanding students’ perspectives on the role of libraries in teaching and learning Co-created with Queen Mary students 

This session will run twice: 3.30pm – 4.10pm: First run 4.20pm – 5.00pm: Second run 

Discussion B: Exploring the role of libraries in research cultures and research practices With James Patterson, Research Integrity Manager; Mark Whelan, Research Culture Manager; Jeremey Claridge, Open Research Services Librarian; and Katie Ormerod, Lead Archivist 

This session will run in two parts: 3.30pm – 4.10pm: Research Culture and Open Research4.20pm – 5.00pm: Research integrity, and visualising inclusion

Discussion C: Embracing the digital shift in library content and services With Nikita Archer from Gale, Judith Fraenkel from Ex Libris, and Maria Ziemer from Third Iron 

This session will run twice: 3.30pm – 4.10pm: First run 4.20pm – 5.00pm: Second run 

Discussion D: Transforming library spaces in partnership with the university community With speakers from Purcell Architects and the Queen Mary Capital Development team 

This session will be run in two parts: 3.30pm – 4.10pm: Designing and delivering the Mile End Library transformation project 4.20pm – 5.00pm: Transforming the Whitechapel and West Smithfield libraries: stakeholder discussion


Please find the full programme of the day as a PDF Celebrations and conversations programme [PDF 7,191KB]. If you require this in a different version, please contact


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