In addition to the QMUL Library collections, you may be able to access other libraries to find further resources relevant to your subject. See information about other libraries you might be able to access, including the British Library, Senate House Library and the Copac Library catalogue, and further information about accessing other higher education libraries.
There are also the following specialist libraries relevant to Medicine :
Wellcome Library, 183 Euston Road, London.
King's Fund Library, 11-13 Cavendish Square, London
BMA library, BMA House, Tavistock Square, London.
Royal Society of Medicine Library, 1 Wimpole Street, London.
Royal College of Surgeons Library, 34-43 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London.
Royal College of Physicians Library, 11 St Andrew's Place, London.
Royal College of Psychiatrists library, 21 Prescott Street, London.