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Library Services

Disproportionate Burden Assessment

Library Search  


Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) is committed to ensuring compliance with The Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018 ("the accessibility regulations"). These regulations mandate that public sector websites publish content in accessible formats.

The Library Search (Encore), hosted by, is public and part of the University Website.

The Library Search (Encore) does not meet Web Content Accessibility Guidance (WCAG) 2.2 level AA standard for the following reasons:

  • WCAG 2.4.7 Focus Visible
  • WCAG 1.4.10 Reflow
  • WCAG 1.4.3 Contrast (minimum)
  • WCAG 1.4.4. Resize Text
  • WCAG 1.4.1 Use of Colour

This document outlines the disproportionate burden related to the Library Search (Encore) at QMUL and the steps being taken to address accessibility issues. 

Current accessibility testing  

QMUL’s Library Search system has been subjected to rigorous accessibility testing. These tests revealed several accessibility issues that impede the user experience for individuals with disabilities. The vendor of the Library Search system, Clarivate, acknowledged these issues and recommended upgrading the system (Encore) as a partial solution. 


The third party provider is working to update its service provision to address some of the accessibility issues identified in Q4 of 2024.  However, the vendor has indicated that the service will not be able to fully address all the accessibility issues identified.  

QMUL is therefore working with the vendor to address as many issues as possible.  However, QMUL the only way to ensure fully compliance would be to adopt to a new service provision.   

Assessment of costs and benefits

QMUL intends to work towards providing a fully compliance search function by Q4 2026.  Adopting a new provision before date will cause significant financial and resource costs on the University.  QMUL is unable to provide an accurate estimate of costs as it has not undertaken a tender process and engaged with in negotiations with alternative supplies.  However, the University estimates that the total costs would be significant.

  • Financial impacts: Financial costs associated with such a migration are significant, encompassing licensing, implementation, and training for a new system. QMUL would also need to make payments under its existing contract.
  • Resource impacts: The human resources required to manage a migration, including the development, testing, and deployment of a new system, are currently limited. These constraints hinder the immediate transition to a fully compliant system.

In both instances, both financial and human resources would need to be reallocated from other University activities, thereby having a significant detrimental impact on QMUL’s other activities.

How much would users with a disability benefit from making things accessible?

  • Significance of Accessibility: Making the Library Search system fully accessible would substantially benefit users with disabilities. Enhanced accessibility would enable these users to engage with library resources independently and effectively, thereby improving their academic experience.
  • Current Mitigations: QMUL has implemented measures to support users, such as providing tools and resources to website editors (as outlined in the QMUL Accessibility Statement). These measures aim to improve accessibility in the interim while a long-term solution is developed.

Timescale for fixing the issue

  • Short-Term Plans: The immediate plan involves completing the upgrade of the third-party system by early Q4 2024. While this will address some accessibility issues, it is acknowledged that the solution is only partial.
  • Long-Term Strategy: QMUL is actively reviewing alternative technologies for the Library Search system. The goal is to implement a fully compliant and accessible system by Q4 2026. This transition will ensure that QMUL meets the accessibility regulations in a sustainable manner.

QMUL is committed to improving the accessibility of its Library Search system. The immediate upgrade scheduled for September 2024 will provide some relief, with a complete resolution being delivered through a new, fully compliant system in 2026. During this transition period, QMUL will continue to provide interim support to mitigate the impact on users.

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