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Get Ahead – Transition to Queen Mary

Get Ahead – Transition to Queen Mary

We want you to succeed at Queen Mary and have a range of resources to help you Get Ahead With Your Studies.

There will be plenty of advice available once you arrive on campus, but Queen Mary would also like to provide you with additional guidance, resources and events before you start to help you to get ahead. Feel free to explore this site to learn more about what you can expect, what you can do to prepare, and hear from other students about their experiences. 


My advice...for incoming students is to familiarise yourself with the campus and our services, so you know where to go if you’re in need of help or support...take your time to find what works for you. Not everyone studies or rests the same way, and our differences are what make us unique! Find what works for you!
— Adi Sawalha, former QMSU President

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