BL Malta Cricket Society is the first and biggest sports-based society at the Queen Mary, Malta campus. The society aims to bring students and staff together who share a passion for playing and watching cricket. Whether that be experienced avid fans or members new to the game, they cater for both men’s and women’s cricket. Through indoor training, competitions and social events, the aim is to attract a wide array of members to get involved in the popular and growing society. If you love sport, want to try something new or even just want to become a social member, then please join this welcoming and fun society today! They look forward to seeing you soon.
Co-presidents: Hesh Abeywickrema; Likitha Yadav
Treasurer: Rohit Kosuri
Social secretaries: Rishabh Joshi; Zaid Raheman
Welfare officer: Rory Fisher
Social media officer: Rohitraj Anandraj
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