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School of Mathematical Sciences

Professor Abhishek Saha


Professor of Mathematics, REF and Reputation lead

Telephone: +44 (0)20 7882 3914
Room Number: Mathematical Sciences Building, Room: MB-514
Office Hours: Please email for an appointment


Abhishek Saha is a Professor of Mathematics at the School of Mathematical Sciences. His research interests lie in number theory and automorphic forms.
Saha's research is currently supported by grants from the Leverhulme Trust and the EPSRC.


Research Interests:

Abhishek Saha's research interests include number theory, automorphic forms, classical and higher rank modular forms, representations of p-adic groups, automorphic representations, and L-functions. Broadly speaking, his current research has two main directions. One direction deals with the analytic properties of automorphic forms and their associated L-functions. The other direction investigates the arithmetic and algebraic properties of cohomological automorphic representations, especially those coming from classical or Siegel modular forms. Thus, Saha straddles a uniquely broad research portfolio, with expertise in the areas of modular forms, algebraic number theory, modern representation theoretic methods, as well as techniques of analytic number theory.

For a full list of his publications, click here.


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