Queen Mary, University of London has completed a dramatic refurbishment of the ground floor of the Mile End Library, providing improved services for students and researchers alike at the heart of the campus.
The Library has received many positive comments from students, staff and researchers who particularly enjoy using the new group study rooms. General feedback also praises the whole look and feel of the refurbishment and new technology on offer. The vision was to provide space and services to support increasing student numbers as well as to enhance overall learning experience. The Library team also wanted to continue to cater for international students and researchers who expect the more scholarly atmosphere.
Emma Bull, Director of Library Services, said: “I am thrilled about the way students and staff have received the new features and modern style on the ground floor. I’m also pleased to say that further improvements to the learning experience will take place this year with increased IT facilities and the creation of a post graduate reading room. Together these changes support Queen Mary’s objective to be one of the top ten universities in the UK by 2015.”Once the refurbishment is complete the Mile End Library will provide a home for traditional library services, increased space for group study, clearly defined spaces for silent study, open access IT, special areas for researchers, student services such as learning support and disability support as well as some PC-based teaching space. Queen Mary IT services have also developed a new mobile website that allows students to see how many computers are free in the library and other sites around the campus before they leave home.
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