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Research Methods in Linguistics

Module code: LIN5202

Credits: 15.0
Semester: SEM2

Contact: Ms Chantal Gratton
Prerequisite: Before taking this module you must take LIN4208

This module focuses on how to conduct original empirical research in Linguistics. Students will get hands-on experience in conducting original research, including designing a project, collecting different types of linguistic data, doing qualitative and quantitative analysis, and presenting research findings. Since the best way to learn research methods is to practice them, students will do regular practical field assignments. They will also learn about the theoretical underpinnings of various research methods. The module will help prepare students for conducting independent research, but will also provide general transferrable skills such as how best to collect data to answer a specific question, how to understand and conduct statistical and other analysis, and how to interpret data patterns. The module is conducted as a seminar: active participation is expected and encouraged.

As a module it will be available to students registered on a single or joint honours programme involving English Language or Linguistics.

Connected course(s): UDF DATA
Assessment: 100.0% Coursework
Level: 5

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