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Sex, Gender and Language

Module code: LIN7019

Credits: 15.0
Semester: SEM1

Contact: Dr Sophie Holmes-Elliott
Overlap: In taking this module you cannot take LIN6019P

In this module, we explore the development of feminist and queer theoretic conceptualizations of identity and how these conceptualizations relate to language. Drawing on foundational texts in philosophy, literary theory, sociology and cultural studies in addition to linguistics, we interrogate the position of women and men in society through the prism of linguistic practice, and work to develop a holistic account of the ways in which individual speakers negotiate social and ideological pressures in their construction and presentations of gendered and sexual selves. Students will gain hands-on experience in conducting original research on a sex- and/or gender-related topic, and special emphasis will be placed on linking academic research in this area to finding solutions for the real-world problems that women and men may face.

Connected course(s): UDF DATA
Assessment: 100.0% Coursework
Level: 7

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