The following outlines our excellent track-record of collaboration with the NIHR, NHS and University partners to maximise the benefit for patients and translation into NHS care:
Using its fantastic platform, this BRC shall continue to collaborate with partners to deliver world-leading initiatives, for example:
In addition to the overarching examples of innovation and partnership above, we have also achieved such within our BRC Research Themes, such as:
NIHR National Biosample Centre and BioResource
We currently store Barts BioResource samples at the NIHR-Biosample centre and propose to expand our contribution across multi-specialty areas. This will contribute to the BRCs health Informatics/deep phenotyping/imaging and federated BioResource development plans. Our broad-consent and patient recall is well established in multiple themes and we will endeavour to harmonise the (electronic) consenting process throughout the BRC. We continue to be an NIHR BioResource centre.
The Health Informatics Collaborative
We are a founding member of NIHR Health Informatics Collaborative and continue to commit to data-sharing from our longitudinal life course BioResource – we demonstrated our ability to share data during the Covid pandemic where a ‘Covid-Dataset’ was quickly established and shared with UK government identified organisations/partners and companies such as Illumina/Sanger to develop novel techniques to diagnose and analyse the disease.
North Thames Collaboration for Clinical Research Network and Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care
This is one of the most successful such collaboratives hosted by Barts Health and we are directly linked to this so we can accelerate translation.
Translational Research Collaboratives
We are members of the NIHR-British Heart Foundation Cardiovascular; NIHR-Versus Arthritis Musculoskeletal and NIHR Oncology Translational Research Collaboratives (TRCs).
These TRCs are essential to: