Queen Mary in Paris does not currently offer campus accommodation, but there is a huge range of different types of accommodation in the city. With options to suit every budget and personal circumstance, you are sure to find your new home in Paris.
Details of student accommodation sites in Paris can be found at Estudines, Campusea, or Studélites.
One big advantage of such accommodation is that it can usually be arranged from outside of France. It is, however, competitive and we therefore advise to start making inquiries and arrangements in good time.
Another option is the Cité Universitaire, especially if your country has a House or Foundation represented (although applications are not restricted by nationality).
Applications should be made well in advance as places are in demand. The Cité Universitaire also incorporates an advice centre for international students moving to Paris, which you may find helpful. This is open to all students, not just those who have accommodation at the Cité Universitaire.
The ULIP team sometimes hears of families offering a room at a reduced rate in exchange, for example, for some language tuition for their children. We can’t guarantee that we will be able to help, but if you are happy to stay with a family in their home then it’s worth contacting us to check if there is anyone we can put you in touch with.
If you prefer to rent privately, we strongly recommend that you come to Paris in advance to make arrangements. Some useful websites include PAP, Location Etudiant, and SeLoger.
Our colleagues at ULIP’s Student and Academic Services Office have published a helpful guide to accommodation in Paris, which is regularly updated.
You may require a guarantor for an accommodation contract. Some of our previous students have recommended the organisation Guarantme.