Interview with Jeffrey Donaldson by John Humphrys for BBC On the Record on 17 May 1998
Debate between John Taylor, Jeffrey Donaldson and Peter Robinson, chaired by John Humphrys for the On the Record BBC television show. As the referendum on the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement draws near Humphrys questions Taylor, Donaldson and Robinson on their positions. Despite being a member of the officially pro-Agreement UUP Donaldson is not supporting it.
Date of Release/Broadcast: 17 May 1998
Name of First Interviewee: Jeffrey Donaldson
Name of Second Interviewee: John Taylor
Name of Third Interviewee: Peter Robinson
Role at time of Interview: MP UUP
Interviewer: John Humphrys
Purpose: News
Media: Transcript
Copyright: © BBC On the Record
Link: Read the transcript
Programme/Book/Article: BBC On the Record
Time Period covered: 1998
Key Individuals: John Taylor, Jeffrey Donaldson, Peter Robinson, Ian Paisley, Tony Blair
Key Words: Referendum, Belfast Agreement, Good Friday Agreement, decommissioning, prisoner release, North-South bodies, Assembly, Executive, Maryfield