Interview with Kenneth Bloomfield by Don Anderson for BBC Radio Ulster History Lessons in 2007
Audio interview with Kenneth Bloomfield, former head of the Northern Ireland Civil Service, by Don Anderson for BBC Radio Ulster History Lessons in 2007. Bloomfield discusses the escalation of conflict in Northern Ireland in 1969 and the shift in political power from Stormont to Westminster. History Lessons was a BBC Radio Ulster series which re-interpreted events in Northern Ireland during the Troubles and Peace Process. This is the second part of a five part interview.
Date of Release/Broadcast: 2007
Name of First Interviewee: Kenneth Bloomfield
Role at time of Interview: Former head of the Northern Ireland Civil Service
Interviewer: Don Anderson
Purpose: Research
Media: Audio
Copyright: BBC © 2013
Link: Listen to the interview
Programme/Book/Article: BBC Radio Ulster History Lessons
Time Period covered: 1969-1972
Key Individuals: Kenneth Bloomfield, Terence O’Neill, William Craig, James Chichester-Clark, Brian Faulkner, Ian Freeland, Harold Wilson
Key Words: Unionist Party, civil rights, British Army, B-Specials, policing