Interview with Sandra Peake for the BBC
Audio interview with Sandra Peake, CEO of Wave Trauma Centre, by the BBC. The Belfast Agreement/Good Friday Agreement provided a programme for the release of republican and loyalist prisoners. Peake discusses the impact of these prisoner releases on the victims of violence during the Troubles and their families and the wider issue of community healing and reconciliation. This interview forms part of the BBC Northern Ireland A State Apart online resource which documents thirty years of peace and violence in Northern Ireland from the Troubles to the Belfast Agreement/Good Friday Agreement.
Date of Release/Broadcast: Unknown
Name of First Interviewee: Sandra Peake
Role at time of Interview: CEO of Wave Trauma Centre
Interviewer: Unknown
Purpose: News, Research
Media: Audio
Copyright: BBC © 2012
Link: Listen to the interview
Programme/Book/Article: BBC Northern Ireland A State Apart
Time Period covered: 1970-2000
Key Individuals: Sandra Peake
Key Words: Belfast Agreement, Good Friday Agreement, prisoner, reconciliation, victim, healing