Video interview with Harold McCusker, former deputy leader of the UUP, and John Hume, leader of the SDLP, for ITN on 28 January 1983. On the previous evening Garret FitzGerald gave a speech in Belfast which indicated further scope for British and Irish governmental co-operation in bringing peace to Northern Ireland. McCusker and Hume discuss the potential contribution of the Irish government to future political developments in Northern Ireland.
Date of Release/Broadcast: 28 January 1983
Name of First Interviewee: Harold McCusker
Name of Second Interviewee: John Hume
Role at time of Interview: Harold McCusker (deputy leader of the UUP), John Hume (leader of the SDLP)
Purpose: News
Media: Audiovisual
Copyright: ©2013 ITN All rights reserved
Link: Watch the video
Programme/Book/Article: ITN
Time Period covered: 1983
Key Individuals: Harold McCusker, John Hume, Garret FitzGerald, Margaret Thatcher
Key Words: Irish government, British government, East-West relations, Falkland War, North-South relations, extradition, paramilitary, border