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PHURI Workshop - Effective Medical Data Visualisation

When: Wednesday, January 15, 2025, 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Where: Clark-Kennedy Lecture Theatre, QMI Building, Whitechapel

Speaker: Mr Julian Hoffmann Anton

This workshop will include a combination of lecture-style and brief tutorials. Participants will gain knowledge for practical skills in designing and presenting clear, informative, and visually appealing medical data visualisations.

Target Audience:

Ideal for medical researchers, data scientists, analysts, and students interested in improving their data communication skills and learning about the latest tools and techniques in medical data visualization.

Learning Outcomes:

Participants will leave with a solid understanding of:
• Key principles of data visualisation,
• Strategies for creating clarity in visualisations,
• Learn about tools for medical data visualisation,
• Creative techniques for effective visual storytelling.

Please register you attendance by emailing

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