The School of Politics and International Relations has been awarded £5000 over three years from the University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES).
This funding is to support a Collaborative Research Network on fringe politics in South East Europe from the School’s Centre for European Research through a variety of workshops and network meetings with five partners. Adam Fagan will be the co-ordinator of the network. The steering committee consists of: Paul Stubbs (Institute of Economics, Zagreb, Croatia), Florian Bieber (University of Graz), Jan Orbie (University of Ghent), and Peter Vermeersch (KU Leuven). We also have partners from other institutions, including the University of Zagreb (Croatia), the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), and the University of Aarhus (Denmark).
The School will run four workshops during the three-year period funded by UACES:
Adam Fagan, Head of the School of Politics and International Relations said; "We are very pleased to be able to co-ordinate the UACES CRN on 'Fringe politics in Southeast Europe' from the Centre for European Research. UACES has given us a wonderful opportunity to work closely with our partners across Europe on this topical area of study for the next three years - and hopefully beyond".