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School of Politics and International Relations

Professor Ray Kiely, BA (Hons) Politics (Leeds), MA Political Sociology ( Leeds ), PhD (Warwick)


Professor of International Politics

Telephone: 020 7882 2849
Room Number: ArtsOne, 2.25
Office Hours: Tuesday 2-3pm (in-person, Arts 2.06) and Thursday 4-5pm (online, link below)


Ray Kiely graduated from the University of Leeds in 1985, with a BA in Politics. He stayed on and completed an MA in Political Sociology in 1987, and after a year of 'A' level teaching did a PhD in the Sociology Department at the University of Warwick from 1988 to 1991. In keeping with a commitment to inter-disciplinarity, he taught International Development in the Department of Cultural Studies at the University of East London from 1992 to 2002, and then in the Department of Development Studies at SOAS from 2002 to the end of 2006. After 14 years in full time work, he at last realised that Politics was his natural disciplinary home and moved to Queen Mary, where he was appointed Professor in 2007. 

Office hour joining link


  • POL247 Modernity: Theories of State, Economy and Society
  • POL355 Globalisation Issues and Debates (SEM A)
  • POLM026 Globalisation and the International Political Economy of Development (SEM B)



Research Interests:

Ray has published in the following broad areas:

The Politics of the World Economy; Right wing political theory; Politics, Knowledge and the Culture Wars; development and post-development theory; East Asian politics; Caribbean politics; comparative industrialisations with particular reference to East Asia; neo-liberalism and structural adjustment; globalisation and development; international labour, labour standards and international trade unionism; international capital flows; poverty and inequality; US imperialism and globalisation; neo-conservatism and liberal imperialism; cosmopolitanism; anti-globalisation and the ‘global justice movement; China and globalisation.


Books (Single authored)

The Politics of Deindustrialization (forthcoming, 2024).

The Conservative Challenge to Globalization (Agenda/Columbia University Press, 2020), pp.256

The Neoliberal Paradox (Elgar 2018), 450 pages

The Rise and Fall of Emerging Powers (Palgrave Pivot 2016), 113 pages

The BRICs, US ‘decline’ and global transformations, Palgrave, 2015.

Rethinking Imperialism, Palgrave, 2010, pp.300

The New Political Economy of Development, Palgrave, 2007, pp. 345.

Empire in the Age of Globalisation: US Hegemony and Neo-liberal Disorder, Pluto, 2005, pp.211.

The Clash of Globalisations: Neo-liberalism, the Third Way and ‘Anti-Globalisation.'  Brill Academic Press, 2005, pp.322.

Industrialisation and Development: A Comparative Analysis, University College London Press, 1998, pp.196.

The Politics of Labour and Development in Trinidad, The Press - University of West Indies , 1996, pp.218.

Sociology and Development: the Impasse and Beyond, University College London Press, 1995, pp.195.


R. Shuey, G. Wells and R. Kiely  Globalization, New York: Novinka, 2002, pp.96.


Globalization and After , Sage, 2006, edited by R. Kiely and S. Das Gupta, pp.443.

Globalisation and the Third World,Routledge, 1998, edited by R. Kiely and P. Marfleet, pp.226.

Recent Journal articles

‘Conservatism, neoliberalism and resentment in Trumpland: the 'betrayal' and 'reconstruction' of the United States’, Geoforum, 2021, vol.124, pp.334-42.

‘Assessing conservative populism: conservative double movement or neoliberal populism?’, Development and Change 51(2), 2020, pp.398-417.

‘From Authoritarian Liberalism to Economic Technocracy: Neoliberalism, Politics and “De-democratisation”, Critical Sociology 43(4/5), 2017, pp.725-45.

Review article: The financial crisis and the question of (what is in) decline, Development and Change 45(1), 2014, pp. 179–189.

Imperialism or Globalization?...Or Imperialism and Globalization: Theorizing the International after Rosenberg’s ‘Post-Mortem’ , Journal of International Relations and Development  17(2), 2014, pp.274-300

‘Spatial hierarchy and/or contemporary geopolitics: what can and can’t uneven and combined development explain?’, Cambridge Review of International Affairs 25(2), 2012, pp.231-48

‘Poverty through “insufficient exploitation and/or globalization”?: globalized production and new dualist fallacies', Globalizations, 5 (3) 2008, pp. 419-32.

‘Poverty's Fall' / China's Rise: Global Convergence or New Forms of Uneven Development?', Journal of Contemporary Asia,38 (3), 2008, pp.353-72 (winner of the Journal of Contemporary Asia annual prize 2009, for best paper published in 2008).

‘Poverty reduction through liberalization, or intensified uneven development?: Neo-liberalism and the myth of global convergence', Review of International Studies 33(3), 2007, pp.415-34.

‘ US hegemony and globalisation: what role for theories of imperialism?', Cambridge Review of International Affairs 19(2), 2006, pp.205-21

‘Globalisation and poverty and the poverty of globalisation theory', Current Sociology 53(6), 2005, pp.897-916.

‘The Changing Face of Anti-Globalization Politics: Two (and a half) tales of globalization and anti-globalization', Globalizations 2(1), 2005, pp.134-50

‘Capitalist Expansion and the Imperialism–Globalisation Debate', Journal of International Relations and Development 8(1), 2005, pp.27-56

‘What difference does difference make? Reflections on neo-conservatism as a cosmopolitan project', Contemporary Politics 10(3/4), 2004, pp.185-202.

‘The World Bank and “global poverty reduction”: good policies or bad data?', Journal of Contemporary Asia 34(1), 2004, pp.3-20.

‘Review Article: Meghnad Desai's Vision of Capitalism – Marxism or Neo-liberalism', Historical Materialism 11(3), 2003, pp.225-34.

‘The race to the bottom and international labour solidarity', Review: A Journal of the Fernand Braudel Center , 26(1), 2003, pp.67-88.

‘The Global Third Way or Progressive Globalism', Contemporary Politics 8(3), 2002, pp. 167-84.

‘Actually existing globalisation, deglobalisation and the political economy of anti-capitalist protest', Historical Materialism 10(1), 2002, pp.93-121.

Recent Chapters in edited volumes

‘American Paleoconservatism and Neoliberalism: Alliances, Tensions and the Question of Donald Trump’, in T. Bar-On and B. Molas eds. 2022 The Right and Radical Right in the Americas Lexington, pp.159-84.

‘Marxism: A Global Perspective’, in V. Lowndes, D. Marsh, G. Stoker eds. (2017) Theory and Methods in Political Science, Palgrave, pp.109-24.

‘Uneven Development’, in The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity and Nationalism, forthcoming.  

‘The global south: from dependency to convergence?’, in V. Fouskas ed. 2015 The Politics of International Political Economy Routledge, pp.146-65.

‘Change, politics and the international system’, in T. Papaioannou and M. Butcher eds. 2013 International Development in a Changing World , London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp.77-98.

‘Global Shift: Industrialization and Development’, in R. Potter and V. Desai eds. 2012 The Companion to Development Studies, Hodder Arnold, third edition, forthcoming.

‘Inequality and Underdevelopment in World Politics’, in M. Beeson and N. Bisley eds. 2012 Issues in 21st Century World Politics Palgrave, second edition, forthcoming.

‘Globalisation and imperialism’, in B. Fine and A. Saad-Filho eds. 2012 The Elgar Companion to Marxist Economics (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar), pp.162-7.

‘Industrialization’, in G. Ritzer ed. 2012 The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Globalization Oxford: Blackwell, pp.1021-25.

‘Development’, in G. Ritzer ed. 2012 The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Globalization Oxford: Blackwell, pp.419-28.

‘Developing countries’, in G. Ritzer ed. 2012 The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Globalization Oxford: Blackwell, pp.417-19

‘Dependency and World Systems Perspectives on Development’, in R. Denemark ed. 2010 The International Studies Encyclopedia (Chichester: Wiley), pp.823-41.

‘Inequality and Underdevelopment in World Politics’, in M. Beeson and N. Bisley eds. 2010 Issues in 21st Century World Politics Palgrave, pp.190-201.

‘The Globalization of Manufacturing Production: Warrenite fantasies and uneven and unequal realities’, in A. Haroon Akram-Lohdi and C. Kay eds. 2009 Peasants and Globalization London: Routledge, pp.169-89.

‘Introduction: Globalisation after Globalisation', in R. Kiely and S. Das Gupta eds. 2006, Globalisation and After , Sage, pp.21-66.

‘Business as Usual or Radical Shift?: Theorizing the Relationship between US Hegemony and Globalisation', in R. Kiely and S. Das Gupta eds. 2006, Globalisation and After , Sage, pp.97-115.

‘Development and Modernisation', in J. Scott ed. 2006 Key Sociological Concepts , Routledge, pp.107-10.

‘Industrialism', in J. Scott ed. 2006 Key Sociological Concepts , Routledge, pp.89-90.

Globalisation, growth and poverty reduction: myths and realities, in S. Das Gupta and J. Weinstein eds. 2006 Applied Sociology , Longman

‘Global civil society and spaces of resistance', in J. Eade and D. O'Byrne eds. 2005, Global Ethics and Civil Society , Ashgate, pp.138-54

‘Neo-liberal globalisation meets global resistance: the significance of anti-capitalist protest', in S. Das Gupta ed. 2004 The Changing Face of Globalisation , Sage, pp.264-97

'Global Shift', in R. Potter and V. Desai eds. 2002 The Companion to Development Studies , Edward Arnold, pp.183-6.

‘Neo-liberalism revised? A critical account of World Bank conceptions of good governance and market friendly intervention', in V. Navarro ed. 2002 The Political Economy of Social Inequalities , Amityville , NY : Baywood, pp.209-28

‘Third Worldist Relativism: A New Form of Imperialism', in P. Williams ed., 2001 Edward Said vol.4: Politics , Sage, pp.136-54 (reprinted from Journal of Contemporary Asia, 1995).

‘The Globalization of Manufacturing Production: Warrenite fantasies and uneven and unequal realities', in A. Haroon Akram-Lohdi and C. Kay eds. 2008 Peasant Livelihoods, Rural Transformations and the Agrarian Question London : Routledge, forthcoming.

Globalization theory or theories of globalization: the political implications of the distinction', in S. Dasgupta and J. Nederveen Pieterse eds. 2008 The Politics of Globalization Sage, forthcoming.

‘Global Shift: Industrialization and Development', in R. Potter and V. Desai eds. 2007 The Companion to Development Studies , Hodder Arnold, second edition, forthcoming.

‘Introduction: Globalisation after Globalisation', in R. Kiely and S. Das Gupta eds. 2006, Globalisation and After , Sage, pp.21-66.

‘Business as Usual or Radical Shift?: Theorizing the Relationship between US Hegemony and Globalisation', in R. Kiely and S. Das Gupta eds. 2006, Globalisation and After , Sage, pp.97-115.

‘Development and Modernisation', in J. Scott ed. 2006 Key Sociological Concepts , Routledge, pp.107-10.

‘Industrialism', in J. Scott ed. 2006 Key Sociological Concepts , Routledge, pp.89-90.

Globalisation, growth and poverty reduction: myths and realities, in S. Das Gupta and J. Weinstein eds. 2006 Applied Sociology , Longman, in press.

‘Global civil society and spaces of resistance', in J. Eade and D. O'Byrne eds. 2005, Global Ethics and Civil society , Ashgate, pp.138-54

‘Neo-liberal globalisation meets global resistance: the significance of anti-capitalist protest', in S. Das Gupta ed. 2004 The Changing Face of Globalisation , Sage, pp.264-97

'Global Shift', in R. Potter and V. Desai eds. 2002 The Companion to Development Studies , Edward Arnold, pp.183-6.

‘Neo-liberalism revised? A critical account of World Bank conceptions of good governance and market friendly intervention', in V. Navarro ed. 2002 The Political Economy of Social Inequalities , Amityville , NY : Baywood, pp.209-28

‘Third Worldist Relativism: A New Form of Imperialism', in P. Williams ed., 2001 Edward Said vol.4: Politics , Sage, pp.136-54 (reprinted from Journal of Contemporary Asia, 1995).

Recent Conference Papers (select)

‘The Neoliberal Paradox’, SOAS, January 2015.

‘Rising South?: The BRICs, US “decline” and international transformation’, University of Antwerp, debate on the BRICS, November 2014.

‘Rising South?: The BRICs, US “decline” and international transformation’, University of East London research seminar, April 2014.

‘Rising South?: The BRICs, US “decline” and international transformation’, University of Liverpool research seminar, March 2014.

Invited speaker, Theories of Globalisation workshop, Oxford Brookes University, February 2014.

‘The Clash of Globalisations Revisited’, University of Ghent, invited lecture, December 2013.

‘Rising South?: The BRICs, US “decline” and international transformation’, University of Ghent Research Seminar, December 2013.

‘Neoliberalism and the paradox of the neoliberal state’, Manchester Metropolitan University conference on Neoliberalism, invited opening speaker, June 2013.

‘The BRICs and the “transformation” of international order?’, Centre for Development Studies, University of Bath, Research Seminar, November 2012.

‘The Making of Global capitalism: The Political Economy of American Empire’, discussant in debate with Leo Panitch and Sam Gindin, American University in Richmond, November 2012

‘Globalisation or imperialism, or Imperialism and Globalisation?’, Oxford Brookes invited lecture, June 2011

‘What is wrong with liberal imperialism?’, Millennium annual Conference, LSE, October 2009.

‘Whatever happened to development theory?', University of Lund , April 2008.

‘Imperialism or globalization today', Goldsmiths College, University of London, February 2008.

‘Poverty through “insufficient exploitation and/or globalization”?: globalized production and new dualist fallacies', London Metropolitan University , November 2007.

‘The uses and abuses of cosmopolitanism in the context of global uneven development', plenary speaker, Manchester University conference on Cosmopolitanism and Development, November 2006.

‘Empire in the Age of Globalisation', CSE annual conference, keynote speaker, University of Leeds , April 2006.

‘Cosmopolitanism in the context of uneven development', ISA Conference, San Diego , March 2006.

‘Globalize or Global Lies: Globalization and Poverty Reduction', American University in Richmond , Faculty of Social Sciences, February 2006.

‘Imperialism or Globalization: What's the Difference and Why it Matters', University of Warwick , Department of Politics, January 2006.

‘Capitalism and development studies: what role for politics?', Sussex University , Department of Politics and International Relations, British Academy Financed Workshop on ‘Social Relations and the International', May 2005.

‘What difference does difference make?: reflections on primitive accumulation, state formation and violence in the South', Conference of Global Studies Association/Centre for Research in Globalisation and Regionalisation, University of Warwick , July 2004.

‘Global capitalism, imperialism and transnational solidarities', University of Oxford , Conference on Globalisation and/or Imperialism, July 2004.

‘Cosmopolitan capital, the nation state and uneven development', University of Sussex , International Relations Workshop on Global Capitalism, April 2004.

‘Reflections on US Hegemony, Globalisation and Imperialism', Department of Politics seminar, Lancaster University , February 2004.

‘Contemporary imperialism, anti-globalisation and cosmopolitanism', keynote paper to Conference of Socialist Economists, London , November 2003.

‘The changing face of anti-globalisation politics: two (and a half) tales of globalisation and anti-globalisation', paper to ESRC Seminar Global Society, Manchester Metropolitan University , October 2003.

‘Globalisation, the violence of poverty and the poverty of the World Bank', paper to Global Studies Association annual conference, University of Surrey (Roehampton), July 2003

‘Reflections on US hegemony, imperialism and war', paper to Global Studies Association annual conference, University of Surrey (Roehampton), July 2003.

‘The Politics of Anti-Globalisation', keynote address to Conference on Anti-Globalisation Politics at Kimmage Manor Development Studies Centre, Dublin , April 2003.


He is currently supervising students mainly in the areas of right wing political ideas and neoliberalism. He currently has a full load of research students.

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