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School of Politics and International Relations

Dr Karl Pike, BA (Royal Holloway), MA (Birkbeck), PhD (QMUL)


Senior Lecturer

Room Number: ArtsOne, 2.03A
Twitter: @p_ikek
Office Hours: Wednesday, 14:00-15:00 (in person) and Thursday 12:00-13:00 (online, please book via the link below).


Following his studies at Royal Holloway, University of London, and a year in online journalism, Karl began working in Westminster and Parliament. After the 2010 general election he became the political advisor to the Shadow Foreign Secretary and then the Shadow Home Secretary. He completed an MA at Birkbeck and then commenced a PhD at Queen Mary. Following completion of his PhD, he was awarded an ESRC Postdoctoral Fellowship through the London Interdisciplinary Social Science (LISS) Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP). He became Lecturer in the school in January 2021.

Karl was awarded the PSA Walter Bagehot Prize for best dissertation in the field of government and public administration. His dissertation was titled "The party has a life of its own: Labour's ethos and part modernisation, 1983-1997". He is an editor of Renewal: A Journal of Social Democracy

Office hour booking link

Undergraduate Teaching

POL350 Analysing Public Policy 

Postgraduate Teaching

POLM025 Evaluation and Delivery in Public Policy


Research Interests:

My research interests include the Labour Party and social democratic politics more generally, and the concepts of tradition and myth in political analysis.

Examples of research funding:

 Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) for a postdoctoral fellowship at Queen Mary


Journal Articles

T. Bale and K. Pike (2023) ‘Hopes will be dashed: Brexit and the “Merkel myth”’, Journal of European Integration.

Pike K (2022) ‘Reform to conserve: Europe and David Cameron’s Conservatism’, Journal of Political Ideologies. 

Pike K and Diamond P (2021) ‘Myth and meaning: “Corbynism” and the interpretation of political leadership’, British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 23(4): 663-679. 

Pike K (2020) ‘“A life of their own”? Traditions, power and “as if realism” in political analysis’, Political Studies, 69(3): 709-724. 

Pike K and Diamond P (2020) ‘“Better in kung fu movies than in political parties”: Labour’s factionalism and a reappraisal of Eric Hobsbawm’s political thought’, The Political Quarterly 91(4): 762-769. 

Pike K and Hindmoor A (2020) ‘Do As I Did Not As I Say: Blair, New Labour and Party Traditions’, The Political Quarterly 91(1): 148-155. 

Pike K (2019) ‘Mere theology? Neil Kinnock and the Labour Party’s aims and values, 1986-1988’, Contemporary British History 34(1): 95-117. 

Pike K (2019) ‘Deep religion: policy as faith in Kinnock’s Labour Party’, British Politics, Vol.14(1), pp.106-120. 

Chapters in books 

Hindmoor A and Pike K (2022) ‘Past, present and future: Tony Blair and the political legacy of New Labour’, in Yeowell N (eds.) Rethinking Labour's Past (London: I.B. Tauris), pp.249-265. 

Book reviews and other articles 

Diamond P and Pike K (2021) ‘Starmer’s task: to achieve greater clarity about his political purpose’, Renewal 29(4): 13-20.   

Creasy S and Pike K (2021) ‘Nothing is inevitable: narrating the Covid crisis’, Renewal 21(1): 38-48. 

Pike K (2020) ‘The (not) comeback kid: Labour’s New Left’, Political Quarterly

Pike K (2020) ‘The Modernisation of the Labour Party, 1979-1997’, Twentieth Century British History.   

Pike K (2017) ‘The Party has a Life of its Own: Labour’s Doctrine and Ethos’, Renewal, Vol.25(1), pp.74-87. 


Pike K, Hussain F, Cowley P and Diamond D (2021) Not for patching? Public opinion and the commitment to ‘build back better’. Mile End Institute. 

Public Engagement

Outside of politics, I have also worked in advocacy for refugees and asylum seekers.

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