Research Topic: Visual Communication and the #MeToo Effect
Supervisor(s): Professor Sophie Harman and Dr Holly Ryan
Research Interests: Visual communication; digital storytelling; feminist movements; aesthetics and affect
Education/Professional Qualifications:
Work Experience:
I am a part-time PhD student – the other half of me works as a Co-Investigator and Communications Consultant on the Gender, Justice and Security Hub.
Evelyn Pauls and Nicky Armstrong, “Imagining a different reality: Filmmaking and Research”, Centre for Freedom of the Media (2021)
Nicky Armstrong and Evelyn Pauls , “Funding cuts undermine the global impact of research and its value as an emancipatory project” LSE Impact Blog (2021)
Nicky Armstrong, Ernestina Coast and Yana van der Meulen Rodgers, “Trump’s reinstatement and expansion of the global gag rule has harmful effects for women, men, and children” USAPP – American Politics and Policy, January 11th 2019
Social media: Instagram: @nicky.does.comms