We offer a tried and tested menu of one-off and longer-term opportunities for your law firm to engage in pro bono activities. By partnering with qLegal, you can:
We work with lawyers at leading City law firms, in-house legal teams, sole practitioners and regulatory and compliance professionals.
We’re flexible, depending on your lawyers’ availability!
Volunteers choose whether they spend a couple of hours delivering legal skills training, 7-8 hours supervising a client case or workshop, or provide longer-term mentoring for students.
The areas of law that we practice in are very dynamic. When we advise clients, our aim is to futureproof our advice to the extent that we can. To do so, we need to keep ahead of new developments and in tune with what could happen in the future. Working with a university just gives you that edge.— Emma Burnett, Head of Data Protection, CMS UK
olunteering with qLegal is a very easy (and fun!) way of giving something back.— Solicitor, Ropes & Gray
I like the idea of using my legal skills, giving back, helping start-ups and in particular helping students in doing their pro-bono work...empowering them.— Puja Modha, Partner at Aria Grace Law
qLegal is a good way for me to work with types of clients that I wouldn’t otherwise come across. The sessions are well organised, the advance materials are thorough and informative, and the students’ work product is usually of a very high standard – which makes my job of supervising much easier!— Anonymous Solicitor
Contact us to get involved
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