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Financial Literacy

For the academic year 2024-25, we are offering the SEF second-year students the chance to participate in our financial literacy project. This is an interdisciplinary project within qNomics jointly collaborated with the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science. The students from SEF will work in groups breaking down concepts, prioritising key aspects of theory by making it easily digestible. With the technical support from the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, these knowledge resources will be further developed into interactive tools by allowing the resources to be easily accessible and readable.

Read the Leaflet - Financial Literacy [PDF 128KB] before you apply.

If you are selected to this project, you will have a chance to:

  • Engage with theories and make decisions on how to present the principles you learned on a daily basis to a wider audience.
  • Chance to build and solidify the knowledge and work collaboratively to design an interactive tool.
  • Tool developed will serve as knowledge resources to potential clients. The resources developed comes in a variety of formats such as videos, written text and digital interactive tools.

Expectations and Eligibility

The programme will run through Semester A and B of each academic year (starts in September and finishes in April the following year).

To be eligible, you are expected to have business acumen learned through academics or work experience. You will be working on financial and business concepts.

In addition, you must possess:

  • Strong willingness to learn: to broaden your horizons on Financial Literacy aspects.
  • Adequate research skills, evaluate, and use information.
  • Organisation skills: to produce a good quality of work in the timeframe provided.
  • If you have previous experience working on multimedia projects, interactive digital tools, or similar transferable skills would be an added advantage.
  • Engaged: willing to participate and remain active through out the programme.

Please make sure you are eligible and can commit to this timeframe before applying.


This project spans across both Semester A and B.

Here is the detailed FL Project Timeline_2024-25 [PDF 99KB] with deadlines.


Hopefully the other pages on our website have answered most questions, but here are some other questions we get asked.

You are expected to dedicate around 4-6 hours per week for Financial Literacy project. Keep in mind that everyone works hard to maintain a high standard, and your group will be required to submit a few drafts before your final project is accepted.

Additionally, qNomics programme cannot be used as an excuse for falling behind on your regular studies. If you normally have trouble keeping up with work, this project may not be for you. However, if you are a well-organized person, who enjoys doing research, producing resources to educate an audience around key concepts and thrives in group projects, then this project should not take up more than a few hours per week. Previous groups who had successfully completed the programme reported to us that they spent around 45 hours each semester attending meetings, conducting research, prototyping and developing resources.

This project is for you, if you have the ability to effectively- research, evaluate, use information, resources, and to make it easily comprehendible for a specific audience. If you have previous experience working on multimedia projects /interactive digital tools, then it is an added advantage to excel in the programme. 

qNomics Team / Dr. David Hart will be your supervisor who will be grading and providing feedback on your work.

Additionally, you will also benefit from other supervisors in qNomics programme who will be delivering trainings on topics like "Business Planning", "Funding Support", and  "Introduction to ESG", etc. These sessions can greatly aid your research work as well as many aspects of life outside of the university.

The qNomics team will assign you to a group at the outset of the programme. You are expected to be a part of this group and carry out the responsibilities you are assigned with. As in any group work setting, you will be assigned to a specific role and responsibilities. In addition to the regular catch ups with the qNomics team, you are free to set up as many meetings as you may require. You will continue to be part of the same group for both semester A & B.

qNomics programme expects an estimated learner effort throughout the academic year. Following to the successful completion of your group assignment, provided that you have met the required programme standards, you will be eligible to receive HEAR accreditation (The qNomics programme will be listed on your digital transcript).

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