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School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences

Ambika Kumar named Course Rep of the Year

Ambika Kumar was named Course Rep of the Year at the Education Awards 2014. She is graduating with a First class degree in Biomedicine before going straight on to a PhD in Microbiology at Queen Mary.


As a Course Rep in the School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, Ambika listened to student problems and worked with staff to bring about specific changes to biomedical sciences, including changes to course work and the availability of resources.

“In the first two years of my degree I thoroughly enjoyed helping out other fellow students in both course work and exam revision. Because of this, in my second year, I decided to become an SBCS PASS mentor, which I also carried on in my third year. In the final year of my degree, I realised that I could make bigger and broader changes through being a course rep and Vice President of the biomedics society,” she explains.

“Being a Course Rep has given me the opportunity to get involved a lot more in Queen Mary by making me realise that there is so much more I want to give back. Because of this, I decided that remaining in the university for postgraduate education would be the best choice for me. I am excited and motivated to see what the next three years have in store for me!”



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