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School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences

Informatics Resources

Bioinformatics, biostatistics and computational biology play a crucial role within all three departments of the School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences. To support such a wide range of disciplines our computational resources are continually being invested in and evolved to meet the changing needs of Biologists, Biochemists, and Psychologists.  

Services and equipment

Cluster Compute Facilities

QMUL have a state-of-the-art HPC facility - the EPSRC funded MidPlus cluster named Apocrita - which has classic HPC nodes and specialised high memory, high CPU and GPU nodes to meet diverse needs in computational power. SBBS have contributed hardware to this facility and has several standalone high-memory nodes.

SBBS users can also get access to Tier 2 HPC clusters. More details are available at HPC documentation pages


Bioinformatics Technical Specialist works to get new projects that need computational support up and running. Another important role is to help plan and budget future projects. Bioinformatics Technical Specialist will also help SBBS users (together with ITS Research team) to exploit the available computational resources for their research.

Information resources

There are several internal and external information resources available to SBBS users:

For research support concerning Apocrita, please email

For bioinformatics/Biostatistics/Computational support and more general infrastructure/facilities support refer to SBBS Bioinformatics SharePoint for more details.

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