Time: 1:00 - 2:00pm Venue: FB 4.04/4.08 (Lunch from 12:30pm in the kitchen)
Dr Diana Gregory-Smith, Lecturer in Marketing, Sheffield University Management School
Assessing the social marketing planning process for an employee environmental intervention: Directions for academics and practitioners.
Efforts to improve environmental sustainability practices within organisations, as part of their CSR initiatives, are often encouraged. However, programmes of environmental sustainability must be well designed and demonstrate noteworthy results in order to be considered successful. This paper assesses the success of an internal social marketing intervention in a large organisation, both from an academic and practitioner (who delivered the intervention) perspective. It also examines the effects of the intervention, using the social marketing planning process, on employees’ environmental behaviour. Remarks regarding the lessons learnt which could be used in the development of future social marketing interventions are discussed.
CReiMS research cluster