The School of Business and Management is delighted to welcome our Leverhulme Artist in Residence, Ranjit Kandalgaonkar. Ranjit is a Mumbai-based artist and has been awarded the Leverhulme residency to work in collaboration with Dr Amit Rai and Dr Sadhvi Dar on an experimental ethnography. The residency started in April and will last until the end of September 2012. Amit, Sadhvi and Ranjit will be researching East End street markets and how markets can be rendered sites for social practices that ascribe (de-)value to objects and artefacts. The research will be interdisciplinary and integrate digital mediums, film, ethnographic observation and photography. Please visit Ranjit's website ( and feel free to contact Amit, Sadhvi or Ranjit to find out more about the residency.'Dr Sadhvi Amit Rai Ranjit