The School's BSc Accounting and Management Programme has been awarded Triple Accounting Accreditation status from CIMA (Chartered Institute of Management Accountants), ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) and ICAEW (Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales).
The BSc Accounting and Management Programme was launched in 2016. The programme is designed to provide students with the practical skills required to pursue careers in accounting in both the corporate and non-corporate sectors.
The taught programme promotes accounting education and covers technical accounting skills as well as softer skills such as business ethics, corporate governance and accountability. It also includes modules on how regulations and legislation influences accounting disclosures and their impact on stakeholders and the viability of a firm’s value proposition.
Dr Ishani Chandrasekara, Programme Director, said: “The triple accreditation status will provide reassurance to our students, staff, programme members and partner organisations about the quality and high standards of our courses and faculty.
“This accreditation status is recognised across the world and will open up further opportunities for both staff and students in the coming years.”
Earlier this year Dr Chandrasekara was awarded the title of Unsung Hero at the Drapers Awards, run by Queen Mary’s Students’ Union.
The BSc Accounting and Management programme is aimed at students wishing to undertake a specialist degree in accounting and management. Students are given the opportunity to develop and enhance skills in financial accounting methods as well as management accounting techniques designed to assess and improve company level financial position and performance.
The qualification also helps students to undertake the challenge of addressing complex accounting and management issues in their future work. It is anticipated that the number of modules on offer to students in the coming years will expand.
Queen Mary University of London is one of the few Russell Group universities in the UK to hold the triple accreditation status from the three leading global accounting professional bodies; the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), the Institute of Chartered Accounts in England and Wales (ICAEW) and the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA).
Sultana Azmi, Final Year Course Representative said: “Studying in a course, which accounting professional bodies such as CIMA, ACCA and ICAEW accredit makes me feel secure about my career options as well as feeling more confident when applying for jobs in the financial sector.”