Did you know at the School of Business and Management (SBM), Queen Mary University of London you can study abroad for one semester or for one year?
So what is it like to study abroad?
Ellen, BSc Business Management student shares her experience on securing and enjoying a Year Abroad in America at the University of Califronia, Berkeley
1. Where are you from?
I am Swedish but lived in different countries in the last five years. I am originally from Stockholm.
2. Why did you choose to study at Queen Mary?
I lived in Italy for high school with family and before that I lived in Japan. My parent’s attitude is that they want to have international careers so that has given me the opportunity to study in another country. Also, going back ‘home’ was not a good fit for me for I only have relatives, there. No connections and only some friends because I have not been living there for several years.
I visited lots of universities, but it was the Open Day at SBM when I knew I wanted to study here and in London. I got a good ‘gut feeling’ and I knew I could study here for three years.
3. Why did you choose to study BSc Business Management?
My mum did a lot of business abroad. I knew I also wanted to be on the move so starting a business management course would be the start to my international business career.
4.How did you find out about study abroad?
I did my research, got emails about the talks and looked at different universities but found the University of California to be the best for my study abroad.
5. Why was it important for you to do a study abroad?
I want to work in an international environment. Also it looks good with prospective employers for you get one year experience. It is also a cheaper way of getting into a great university. I don’t understand why you wouldn’t do it.
6. What are the benefits of doing a study abroad?
7. With hindsight what would you do differently?
Do more while I was there:
8. What is your lasting memory and key takeaways from the experience?
9. What advise would you give to first years?
Study abroad, just do it, it’s worth it.
There are several ways you can go abroad:
10. How are you acclimatising back to the UK and QMUL?
I keeping in contact with my friends and planning trips to visit them and some are coming here to visit me. Another goal is to get into a Masters programme. Keeps me focused. As study abroad opened my eyes I don’t want to go back to what is comfortable. Therefore, I might consider Asia.
For more information about study abroad opportunities at SBM email Salman Uddin: salman.uddin@qmul.ac.uk