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School of Business and Management


Dr Antonio La Sala 

Antonio La Sala, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in Management at Sapienza - University of Rome (Italy), where he teaches “Management" and "Management of digital technologies". In 2024, he was a Visiting Researcher at Queen Mary University of London (UK), where he worked on the panarchy of digital platforms. In 2019, he was a Visiting Scholar at California State University, Sacramento (College of Business Administration), working on resilience, institutional behaviour, and resilience/robustness. Since 2023, he has been a board member of the International Journal of Business Communication.

He is principal investigator (PI) and a member of several research projects on resilience and technological innovation. He is the author of numerous national and international scientific publications on resilience, sensemaking in organisations, digital platforms, and innovation ecosystems. He is a reviewer for leading international journals. He is a member of major scientific associations, including AoM (Academy of Management), EGOS (European Group for Organizational Studies), SIMA (Italian Management Society), AIDEA (Italian Academy of Business Administration), BAM (British Academy of Management), EURAM (European Academy of Management) and ASVSA (Research Association on Viable Systems). His main research interests include resilience, organisational behaviour, innovation management and digital technologies, complexity, and systems thinking. 


Dr Francesca Iandolo 

Francesca Iandolo, PhD, is Lecturer in Management (SSD: SECS-P/08, SC: 13/B2) at the Department of Management, Sapienza University of Rome, where she teaches Business Economics and Management (LT Economia e Finanza) and Innovation and Organization of Companies (LM ECOMI, MATIS). Her research interests concern the application of systems theories to corporate sustainability and the role of technological diffusion within digital platforms and innovation ecosystems. She participated in numerous national and international conferences as a discussant and published in national and international journals. She is an ad-hoc reviewer for important international journals on management, innovation and corporate sustainability issues, and P.I. for national and international projects, coordinating an Erasmus + project.

In 2020 she was Visiting Researcher at the School of Business and Management, Queen Mary University of London. Since 2018 she has qualified as Associate Professor in Economics and Business Management (SSD: SECS-P/08, SC:13/B2). Since 2021, Francesca has been the RAM (Responsible for Mobility Agreements- Academics Supervisor for International Mobility) of the Faculty of Economics at Sapienza University of Rome for the courses belonging to the Department of Management. From the biennium 2020/2022, she is also the Representative of Researchers in the Departmental Council and in the Faculty Council. She is also licensed to practise as a Chartered Accountant and Auditor since 2011.

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