Dr Caterina GennaioliReader in Environmental EconomicsEmail: c.gennaioli@qmul.ac.ukTelephone: +44 (0)20 7882 5555Room Number: Room 2.35, Francis Bancroft Building, Mile End CampusOffice Hours: Wednesdays 11.00am - 1.00pmProfileTeachingResearchSupervisionProfileRoles: Reader in Environmental Economics Member of the Department of Business Analytics and Applied Economics Biography: Caterina holds a MSc in Economics from Universitat Pompeu Fabra and a PhD in Economics from Bocconi University. During her PhD, she was visiting the University of Chicago. Before joining Queen Mary in September 2016, she worked for five years as a research officer at the London School of Economics (Grantham Research Institute). Website: www.caterinagennaioli.comTeachingUndergraduate: BUS137: Economics for Business Management Postgraduate: BUSM051: Managerial Economics Caterina holds a Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (PGCAP).ResearchResearch Interests:Caterina works on topics at the intersection between political economy, environment, and development economics. She is generally interested in studying how political institutions influence environmental outcomes. Her research revolves around three main themes: Climate policy evaluation (eg. impact on firms decisions and political economy outcomes, such as corruption); Determinants of climate policy adoption at the domestic and international level (i.e. international environmental agreements); Environmental issues in developing countries (eg deforestation, illegal waste dumping). Centre and Group Membership: Director of the Centre for Globalisation Research (CGR): (On Leave) Publications Journal articles Carattini, S., Fankhauser, S., Gao, J., Gennaioli, C., and Panzarasa, P. , 2023. What Does Network Analysis Teach Us About International Environmental Cooperation?, Ecological Economics, 205:107670 Dechezleprêtre, A., Gennaioli, C., Martin, R., Muûls, M. and Stoerk, T., 2022. Searching for carbon leaks in multinational companies. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 112, p.102601. Alesina A., Gennaioli C. and Lovo S., 2019. Public Goods and Ethnic Diversity: Evidence from Deforestation in Indonesia. Economica. Gennaioli C. and Tavoni M., 2016. Clean or Dirty Energy; Evidence of Corruption in the Renewable Energy Sector. Public Choice, Vol 166, Issue 3. Fankhauser S., Gennaioli C. and Collins M., 2016. Do international factors influence the passage of climate change legislation?, Climate Policy, Vol 16, Issue 3. Fankhauser S., Gennaioli C. and Collins M., 2015. The political economy of passing climate change legislation: Evidence from a survey, Global Environmental Change, Vol 35, Pages 52–61. Doda B., Gennaioli C., Gouldson A., Grover D. and Sullivan R., 2015. Are corporate carbon management practices reducing corporate carbon emissions? Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management. DOI: 10.1002/csr.1369 Book chapters and edited volumes Gennaioli, C., Martin, R., Muuls, M. 2013. Using micro data to examine causal effects of climate policy. In: Handbook on Energy and Climate Change (Roger Fouquet [ed.]), Edwards Elgar Publications. Book chapter: Clare, A., Fankhauser, S., and Gennaioli, C. 2017 "The National and International Drivers of Climate Change Legislation" in: Trends in Climate Change Legislation. Editors: A. Averchenkova, S. Fankhauser, M. Nachmany. Edward Elgar Publishing. SupervisionCurrent Doctoral Students: 2nd Supervisor Jianjian Gao, 'International environmental cooperation and climate change laws diffusion: A network analysis.' Abdullah Ijaz, 'Exploring Links Between Multidimensional Development Indicators and Entrepreneurial Activity In Pakistan.'