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School of Business and Management

Professor Georgios Kavetsos


Associate Dean for Research; Professor of Behavioural Economics and Public Policy

Telephone: +44 (0)20 7882 6610
Room Number: Room 3.44c, Francis Bancroft Building, Mile End Campus
Twitter: @gkavetsos
Office Hours: By appointment


Georgios is the School’s Associate Dean for Research and a Professor of Behavioural Economics and Public Policy; a Research Associate at the Centre for Economic Performance at the London School of Economics; and an Affiliate Scientist at Lee Kum Sheung Center for Health & Happiness at Harvard University. The first theme to his research seeks to understand how interventions shape individuals’ behaviour and preferences. The second studies the impact behaviours and interventions have on individuals’ well-being.

His research has been published in peer-reviewed academic journals –– including the British Journal of Industrial Relations, Journal of Economic Behavior & OrganizationJournal of Health Economics, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of the Royal Statistical SocietyReview of Economics & StatisticsRisk AnalysisSocial Science & Medicine, and Urban Studies –– and has received media attention in outlets including BBC News, CNBC, Reuters, The Economist, The Financial Times, The Guardian, The New York Times, and The Times.

Georgios holds a PhD in Economics and an MSc in Finance from Imperial College Business School, an MSc in Economics from UCL, and a BSc in Economics from City University of London. He previously held research positions at Bayes Business School (formerly Cass) and the London School of Economics, and visiting positions at Harvard and the LSE.


He is a fellow at Higher Education Academy (HEA).

Innovative Teaching and Technology Award, 2023


  • Introduction to Quantitive Methods


Research Interests:

  • Applied Microeconomics
  • Behavioural Economics
  • Health Economics
  • Welfare Economics

Centre and Group Membership:



  • Gamage D.K., Kavetsos G., Mallick S., Sevilla A. (2024) “Pay transparency intervention and the gender pay gap: Evidence from research-intensive universities in the UK”. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 62, 293-318.
  • Adler M., Dolan P., Henwood A., Kavetsos G. (2022) “’Better the devil you know’: Are stated preferences over health and happiness determined by how healthy and happy people are?”. Social Science & Medicine, 303, 115015.
  • Dolan P., Foy C., Kavetsos G., Kudrna L. (2021) “Faster, higher, stronger… and happier? Relative achievement and marginal rank effects”. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics95, 101761.
  • Kavetsos G., Kawachi I., Kyriopoulos I., Vandoros S. (2021) “The effect of the Brexit referendum result on subjective well-being”. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A, 184, 707-731.
  • Dolan P., G. Kavetsos, C. Krekel, D. Mavridis, R. Metcalfe, C. S enik, S. Szymanski, & N. Ziebarth (2019). “Quantifying the intangible impact of the Olympics using subjective well-being data”. Journal of Public Economics, 177, 1-14
  • De Neve JE., Ward G., Van Landeghem B., De Keulenaer F., Kavetsos G., and Norton M. (2018). “The asymmetric experience of positive and negative economic growth: Global evidence using subjective well-being data”, Review of Economics & Statistics, 100 (2), 362-375
  • Adler M., Dolan P., and Kavetsos G. (2017) “Would you choose to be happy? Trade- offs between happiness and the other dimensions of life in a large population survey”, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 139, 60-73.
  • Zenko Z., Ekkekakis P. and Kavetsos G. (2016) “Changing minds: Bounded rationality and heuristic processes in exercise-related judgments and decisions”. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology, 5(4), 337-351.
  • Dolan P. and Kavetsos G. (2016) “Happy talk: Mode of administration effects on subjective well-being”. Journal of Happiness Studies, 17(3), 1273-1291.

  • Vandoros S. and Kavetsos G. (2015) `Now or later? Understanding the etiologic period of suicide'. Preventive Medicine Reports, 2, 809-811.
  • Borowiecki K.J. and Kavetsos G. (2015) `In fatal pursuit of immortal fame: Peer competition and early mortality of music composers'. Social Science & Medicine, 134, 30-42.
  • Dolan P., Kavetsos G., and Vlaev I. (2014) `The happiness workout'. Social Indicators Research, 119, 1363-1377.
  • Vandoros S., Kavetsos G., and Dolan P. (2014) `Greasy roads: The impact of bad financial news on road traffic accidents'. Risk Analysis, 34, 556-566.
  • Kavetsos G., Dimitriadou M., and Dolan P. (2014) `Measuring happiness: Context matters'. Applied Economics Letters, 21, 308-311.
  • Ahlfeldt G.M. and Kavetsos G. (2014) `Form or function? The impact of new sports stadia on property prices in London'. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A, 177, 169-190.
  • Mulhern B., Bansback N., Brazier J., Buckingham K., Cairns J., Devlin N., Dolan P., Hole A.R., Kavetsos G., Longworth L., Rowen D., and Tsuchiya A. (2014) `Preparatory study for the revaluation of the EQ-5D tariff: Methodology report'. Health Technology Assessment, 18, 1-192.
  • Dolan P., Kavetsos G., and Tsuchiya A. (2013) `Sick but satisfied: The impact of life and health satisfaction on choice between health scenarios'. Journal of Health Economics, 32, 708-714.
  • Dolan P. and Kavetsos G. (2012) `Educational interventions are unlikely to work because obese people aren't unhappy enough to lose weight'. British Medical Journal, 345: e8487.
  • Kavetsos G. (2012) `The impact of the London Olympics announcement on property prices'.  Urban Studies, 49, 1453-1470.
  • Kavetsos G. (2012) `National pride: War minus the shooting'. Social Indicators Research, 106, 173-185.
  • Kavetsos G. and Koutroumpis P. (2011) `Technological affluence and subjective well-being'. Journal of Economic Psychology, 32, 742-753.
  • Kavetsos G. (2011) `The impact of physical activity on employment'. Journal of Socio-Economics, 40, 775-779.
  • Kavetsos G. and Szymanski S. (2010) `National wellbeing and international sports events'. Journal of Economic Psychology, 31, 158-171.
  • Kavetsos G. and Szymanski S. (2009) `From the Olympics to the grassroots: What will London 2012 mean for sport funding and participation in Britain?'. Public Policy Research, 16, 192-196.
  • Kavetsos G. and Szymanski S. (2008) `Olympic Games, terrorism and their impact on the London and Paris stock exchanges'. Revue d'Economie Politique, 118, 189-206.
  • Asteriou D. and Kavetsos G. (2006) `Testing for the existence of the January effect in transition economies'. Applied Financial Economics Letters, 2, 375-381.


  • Kavetsos G. (2016) Introduction to the Greek translation of Paul Dolan's book "Happiness by Design'', Katoptro Publishing, Greece.
  • Ahlfeldt G.M. and Kavetsos G. (2013) `Should I wish on a stadium? Measuring the average effect on the treated'. In: P. Rodrigues P., Kesenne S. and J. García (eds.) The Econometrics of Sport, Edward Elgar, pp. 189-201.
  • Ahlfeldt G.M. and Kavetsos G. (2012) `Outlook, progress and challenges of stadium evaluation'. In: W. Maenning and A. Zimbalist (eds.) International Handbook on the Economics of Mega Sporting Events, Edward Elgar, pp. 279-294.
  • Kavetsos G. (2011) `Physical activity and subjective well-being: An empirical analysis'. In P. Rodriguez, S. Kesenne and B. Humphreys (eds.) The Economics of Sport, Health and Happiness: The Promotion of Well-Being through Sporting Activities, Edward Elgar, pp. 213-222.
  • Lymperaki A. and Kavetsos G. (2011) `The economics of happiness during hard times: An introduction'. Introduction to the Greek translation of Richard Layard's book 'Happiness: Lessons from a New Science', 2nd edition, Economia Publishing, Greece, pp. 15-40.


Current Doctoral Students:

2nd Supervisor

Completed PhD Students:

  • Danula Gamage, 'Essays in Gender (In)equality in British Higher Education Sector'. Awarded March 2021.
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