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School of Business and Management

Professor Perri 6


Emeritus Professor of Public Management

Telephone: +44 (0)20 7882 6988
Room Number: Room 4.27b, Francis Bancroft Building, Mile End Campus



  • Emeritus Professor in Public Management


Perri 6 is an Emeritus Professor in Public Management. His research interests lie in the explanation of diversity in styles of political judgement and policy decision making in the core executive in governments. He has published extensively on joined-up government, on privacy and on political judgement. He has made major contributions to the development of the neo-Durkheimian institutional tradition of theory, stemming from the work of Douglas. Much of his research uses historical cases and archival data sources. He is currently researching why states commit to very deep collaboration in global regulatory regimes with other states at the same time as they are engaged in tension and even conflict with those other states, using central historical cases to examine rival theories’ explanations.

Over the last twenty five years, he has held appointments at Nottingham Trent University, University of Birmingham, King’s College London, Strathclyde University and University of Bath. In the mid-1990s, he also worked in an influential independent public policy institute and briefly as a leader writer on a national newspaper. Before that, he worked as a parliamentary lobbyist and as a pressure group researcher.

He holds degrees from the University of Cambridge in philosophy and in social and political sciences.

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