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English and Drama

Sam Curtis Lindsay

Co-Director of Hackney Showroom


Sam Curtis Lindsay has a background as a trained actor and has since directed, programmed and produced work shown across the UK and featuring in numerous major festivals. From 2009-2015 he worked for Eat Work Art managing the team to bring to life creative hubs Netil House, Hackney Downs Studios and Old Paradise which are now home to over 400 businesses. In March 2015 he established Hackney Showroom (@HackneyShowroom), a 4000 sqft multi purpose arts centre at Hackney Downs Studios.


Sam led on all creative programming at Hackney Downs Studios to establish the space as a burgeoning arts venue with critical acclaim. He has significant business and project management experience and has worked in a number of education settings. Sam is an associate artist of The National Youth Theatre of Great Britain. Sam is looking forward to deepening his understanding of European theatre and exploring the role of community in theatre.


As Director: Heartbreak Hotel at the Jetty in North Greenwich ,Cutting Off Kate Bush (Paines Plough Roundabout/Gilded Balloon Edinburgh) The Box (Leicester Square Theatre) Are You That Girl Off The Telly? (Hens and Chickens Theatre) I Haven’t Got a Cold Sore by the Way (Old Vic New Voices). As Assistant Director: Songs from a Hotel Bedroom (Watford Palace Theatre/Royal Opera House) Outright Terror Bold and Brilliant (Soho Theatre).

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Hackney Showroom


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