Small group teaching
Whether you’re a single honours or joint honours student in Drama, you’ll take a wide range of classes and work in a variety of ways in them.
Your modules will include seminars, practical classes, lectures, and workshops. You may write essays, create performances, give presentations, write reviews, conduct reports, formulate funding applications, design projects, and more. Throughout your degree you’ll develop and share your ideas with members of Drama’s teaching staff and your fellow students.
In addition to the expertise offered by Drama’s teaching staff, our students also benefit from our extensive partnerships with arts practitioners and organisations. We regularly invite artists and arts professionals to lead workshops, give talks, and offer career advice.
Much of your time will be spent working independently outside of class, such as reading texts, undertaking fieldwork and research, rehearsing performances, and completing assignments. To get the most out of studying Drama, you’ll need to be disciplined and independent but be able to work collaboratively with others.