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English and Drama

Associate Students

The National Gallery, Trafalgar Square

The School of English and Drama invites suitably qualified students enrolled on PhD programmes at other institutions to visit Queen Mary as Postgraduate Research Visiting Students for a period of one to six months.

Students are assigned a mentor with whom they can meet to discuss their project (though not for formal supervision). Students have access to libraries at Queen Mary University of London and to the University of London’s Senate House Library, as well as QMUL networks and relevant buildings. By normal application procedures, they can also use other London resources such as those at the British Library and elsewhere. Students are encouraged to participate in the research culture at QMUL and in London by attending seminars and relevant research training events in the School and elsewhere in the College, at the University of London, and beyond. The School has hosted students from a number of countries including Spain, Brazil, and Turkey.

Get further information and apply

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