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English and Drama

Graduate Life at Queen Mary

The English Department is widely recognized as one of the country’s leading centres for literary research and English studies.

Graduate students at Queen Mary are an important part of academic life in the Department. We aim to provide our students with world-class tuition and facilities, creating a stimulating intellectual environment in which to work.

An exciting and diverse graduate community

Our pioneering interdisciplinary and collaborative work attracts postgraduate students from all over the world. We have a large thriving graduate community with a significant number of PhD projects supported by AHRC and Queen Mary awards.

Our Masters and PhD programmes attract a large number of students who benefit from studying at a friendly urban campus university, with access to the unparalleled research facilities available in London.


Cutting-edge research in a wide range of periods

The English Department has a long history of excellence in research in English studies. We are able to provide supervision in topics from medieval to contemporary literature, including British, American, and Irish literature, postcolonial studies and world literature in English, Renaissance and early modern literature, eighteenth-century studies, Romanticism, nineteenth-century studies, modernism, history of the book, contemporary poetry, critical theory, and cultural history.  For more information on what we do, please visit the research pages.


Research culture

The Department boasts one of the most active and successful research cultures in the country.  It is the home of major research centres and collaborative projects.  Staff members have organised important conferences at Queen Mary and beyond.

In addition to regular seminars and supervisions, you will be invited to attend the student-run Queen Mary Research Seminar. Each week participants in the seminar listen and respond to a research paper presented by a visiting speaker, a member of staff, or a graduate student in the Department. Recent guest speakers have included Michael Levenson (Virginia), Maud Ellman (Chicago), Marina Warner (Essex), and Lisa Appignanesi (King’s). As well as providing the chance to discuss research going on both inside and outside the Department, the seminar is a regular opportunity for the academic community to get together and socialise. Students are also invited to participate in other research seminars co-hosted by the Department, on subjects including Medieval and Early Modern Studies, Eighteenth-Century Studies, Dissenting Studies, Modernism, and Irish Studies.



For general information about graduate life at Queen Mary, please visit the postgraduate pages on the main College website. To find out more about the Department and the College, we invite you to attend a Postgraduate Open Evening.


Support and training

Postgraduate students in the Department of English will have the opportunity to develop important skills through research training, graduate student conferences, and (for PhD students) undergraduate teaching.

In addition to the specialist research training and career development opportunities provided by the Department, the College offers support to postgraduate students through the Centre for Academic and Professional Development and the Careers Service.


Visit us

Every year the Department of English takes part in the Queen Mary Postgraduate Open Evening. This provides prospective applicants with the chance to tour the campus, and to meet both academic staff and current students.

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