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English and Drama

Charlotte Byrne


Remembering Queer Catalan Women in Anglophone Historical Fiction of the Spanish Civil War



Charlotte Byrne - Folked Up

Working in a practice as research mode that combines creative writing with historical research and Iberian literary studies, my interdisciplinary PhD project is a historical novel that reconstructs the experiences of queer Catalan women during the Spanish Civil War.  

My research interests include creative writing, queer theory, twentieth-century Spanish and Catalan literature, anarchism, class, and postmemory theory, as well as translation, realism, and writing for young audiences. My debut novel Folked Up (2020) is published by Crystal Peake. I have also published work in DIVA Magazine, as well as in anthologies by Fincham Press, Crystal Peake, New Lit Salon Press, and DualBooks. 

As of 2022, I am Assistant Editor of Hispanic Research Journal, based in the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures (School of Languages, Linguistics and Film). I have taught on ESH4100 Creative Writing 1 and ESH5103 Creative Writing: Prose, and I have supervised students on ESH6199 Creative Writing Dissertation.  

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