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English and Drama

Sophie Fordham


Ecological Communion in the Prose and Poetry of John Milton



After three stimulating (and entertaining) years at Queen Mary, I graduated with a BA in English in 2015 and then took my MA in Shakespeare Studies at King’s College London and Shakespeare’s Globe, where I obtained a Distinction and the Associateship of King’s College. I returned to QM in 2018 by way of the Principal’s Postgraduate Research Studentship and currently conduct my doctoral research on ecological communion and sacramental presence in the poetry and prose of John Milton. My primary academic interests lie in ecocriticism, sacramental poetics and early modern vitalist thought, although I’m partial to a bit of modern Irish writing, music, and anything to do with time.

Outside of academia, I worked in the charity sector, both in climate and migrant justice, and more recently in criminal justice, supporting prisoners, people with convictions and their families. I continue to advocate for reasonable access to higher education for prisoners and people with convictions across England and Wales.

Alongside my doctoral studies, I work for Tower Hamlets’ Idea Stores, where I help facilitate the borough’s free annual reading festival ‘WriteIdea’.



Joad Raymond and David Colclough
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