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English and Drama

Mature Students

Mature students make an important contribution to the intellectual life of the Department.

The experiences mature students bring to their studies help to produce lively debates in seminars, and their commitment and enthusiasm are valued by staff and fellow students alike. Consequently, we are particularly enthusiastic about attracting such applicants.

Starting a university degree is a daunting experience for anyone, but it provides particular challenges and opportunities for those who have been out of full-time education for a while. We appreciate that students come to university from a diverse range of backgrounds and with various types of qualifications, and we are well-prepared to embrace that diversity.

If you would like to have an informal chat about what you need to do to enrol in an English degree at Queen Mary, email our admissions tutors ( They will be happy to assist you with any queries you have regarding both the courses available to you and the application process.

For more information, have a look at our Applying to Study English pages. The basic procedure is the same for both current sixth-formers and mature students.

I have had a very good experience as a mature student at Queen Mary. All the lecturers and seminar leaders seemed involved in the pleasure that the study of English can afford. My fears and reservations soon disappeared. I realised that my age didn't matter at all and that my teachers and fellow students welcomed my contributions to discussions in seminars. Anyone who can study full-time would benefit from the lively interaction that occurs unfailingly in these seminars and the immediacy of the lectures.” Silvia (2012-2015)
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