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The Queen Mary Centre for Religion and Literature in English

Enlightenment and Dissent 10 (1991)

Enlightenment and Dissent 10(1991) [PDF 21,331KB]

Editorial, 1-2


Dissent and radicalism?: the example of the Sandemanians, Geoffrey Cantor, 3-20

The Mill prisoners and the Englishman who continued ”In the Light”, Sheldon S Cohen, 21-34

Richard Price and the London Revolution Society, Martin Fitzpatrick, 35-50

Thomas Spence and modes of subversion, Marcus Wood, 51-77

The Corruption of politics and the dignity of human nature: the critical and constructive radicalism of James Burgh, Martha K Zebrowski, 78-103


Joseph Priestley, politics and ancient prophecy, Martin Fitzpatrick, 104-109


An attempt to create a general European Protestant Fund in 1725, Jeremy Black, 110-12

Richard Price as a man of action, Alan Ruston, 113-14


D W Bebbington, Evangelicalism in modern Britain. A history from the 1730s to the 1980s, Alan P F Sell, 115-18

John Dinwiddy, Bentham, D O Thomas, 119-20

Peter A. Schouls, Descartes and the Enlightenment, Stephen Williams, 121-22


Joseph Priestley’s bookplates, G F Carnall, 123-25


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