Enlightenment and Dissent 13(1994) [PDF 20,487KB]
Editorial, 1
The Enlightenment and its Background: Some Features, D A Rees, 3-48
Joseph Priestley’s Journal while at Daventry Academy, 1754,Tony Rail and Beryl Thomas, 49-113
E S de Beer, ed., The correspondence of John Locke, vol. VIII ; Peter H. Nidditch & G A Rogers, eds., Drafts for the “Essay Concerning Human Understanding” and other philosophical writings, vol. 1: Drafts A and B; John W & Jean S. Yolton eds., John Locke, Some thoughts concerning education, Richard Kroll, 114-20
William Cobbett, Peter Porcupine in America: Pamphlets on Republicanism and Revolution, ed. David A Wilson. Colin Bonwick, 121-24
The Northumberland County Historical Society. Proceedings and Addresses. Volume XXXII, Martin Fitzpatrick, 125-30
W Bernard Peach ed., The correspondence of Richard Price: Vol. III, February 1786-February 1791, James Dybikowski, 131-35
Alan P.F. Sell, Commemorations. Studies in Christian Thought and History, Martin Fitzpatrick, 136-43
Books received, 144-45