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English and Drama

Jules Deering, BA (Sussex)


Technical Director of Drama

Room Number: ArtsOne G.15


Having originally trained as a composer, I spent 15 years as a theatre lighting and sound designer before working in higher education. I have worked for numerous companies across the world, and have a particular interest in site-responsive work, large-scale street theatre, and the deployment of unconventional technical practices and equipment. 

I have designed and/or composed for PeriplumCompany:Collisions, Zofia Kalinska/Ariel Theatr (Poland), George Dillon’s Vital Theatre, Chicago Underground (USA), Linda Marlowe, Leikin Loppu, and Fireraisers. I contributed a chapter to the recently published book Jaroslav Malina in Scenography and Painting, and I am planning research into ‘Radical Scenography’ and the Catalan School of Theatre Design. I teach the Level 5 Drama module Action Design.

Undergraduate Teaching

I have taught on:

  • DRA245: Action Design


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