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English and Drama

Dr Clio Doyle, BA (Oxford), MPhil (Yale), PhD (Yale)


Lecturer in Early Modern Literature



I lived in France and the United States before coming to the UK to study for a BA at Merton College, Oxford. After completing an MPhil in Medieval Studies and a PhD in English and Renaissance Studies at Yale, I was delighted to be able to return to the UK in 2021 as a Lecturer at Queen Mary – this time with my cat, Fortuna, who is settling in nicely to life in London. My dissertation was on stories about the invention of agriculture in medieval and early modern Britain and I am really interested in how people tell stories about the past of food and eating and what those stories have to do with contemporary realities. I hold a Wine and Spirits Education Award at Level 3 and once worked as a Teaching Assistant for a class on wine at the International Wine Center in New York City, which mostly involved emptying spit buckets. I now have two podcasts, which is embarrassing, and am slowly turning into a specialist in Taylor Swift.


I designed and taught classes on popular culture and virtual reality at Yale and I have taught a number of classes on Shakespeare and early modern literature at Yale, Quinnipiac University, and Queen Mary University of London. I teach a module that I designed on Taylor Swift a literature for the Queen Mary University of London Summer School.


Research Interests:

Research Interests

  • Environmental Humanities
  • Classical Reception
  • Virtual Reality and Theatrical Performance
  • False Histories and Historical Fictions
  • Taylor Swift as Literature

Recent and On-Going Research

My work on early modern subjects is at the intersection of the Environmental Humanities and Classical Reception. I am interested in how early modern writers retell, interpret, and adapt classical stories about the beginning of agriculture to express contemporary concerns about race and human nature, to speculate about ecological change and imagine possible futures, and to justify the colonization of supposedly pre-agricultural land all the way across the globe. My article "'Slimy Kempes Ill Smelling of the Mud:' The Terroir of Poetry and the Desire for Change in Barclay’s Eclogues," which came out in 2022, won Yale's Theron Rockwell Field Prize and the Sixteenth Century Society Literature Prize. I am currently working on an article about early modern climate change denial.

My work on Taylor Swift began when I hosted the podcast Studies in Taylor Swift, which reads the lyrics of Taylor Swift through the prism of critical theory. The podcast is no longer active but selected episodes are available on most podcast platforms. I am working on a monograph very tentatively titled Taylor Swift and the Idea of English Literature, which argues that Swift's work reflects on and anticipates the kind of reading we do in English classes, and that the tools, concerns, and history of the university study of English shape how the public is already reading Swift.

I also co-host Clio/Mireille: A Fanfiction Podcast with Mireille Pardon, in which we close read works of fan fiction, one pairing at a time, and reflect on what they can teach us about storytelling, desire, and the emotional valences of reading.


Articles and Book Chapters

“Early Modern Climate Change Denial,” Early Modern Studies Journal, in progress.

"'Slimy Kempes Ill Smelling of the Mud:' The Terroir of Poetry and the Desire for Change in Barclay’s

       Eclogues,” The Sixteenth Century Journal 52:2, 2022.

"Ecocriticism for Early Modernists: An Annotated Bibliography," Medieval and Renaissance Studies,

       4:1, 2021.

"Titus Andronicus’s 'fearful and confused cries:' birdsong, empathy, and the fear of sound" in

        Auditory Worlds: Hearing and Staging Practices Then and Now, eds. Laury Magnus and

       Walter Cannon,  Vancouver: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2020.


“Madeline Bassnett, project dir. Weather Extremes in England's Little Ice Age,1500-1700. Historic  

  weather database mapping application,” Early Modern Digital Review, forthcoming.  

“Hamlet, Jess and Aubrey Whitlock. The Hurly Burly Shakespeare Show. Podcast,” Early

       Modern Digital Review, forthcoming.  

“Elizabeth L. Swann, Taste and Knowledge in Early Modern England,” The Spenser Review

       52.3,  2022.

"The Afterlife of Aldus: Posthumous Fame, Collectors and the Book Trade,” The Sixteenth Century       Journal, 49:4, 2018.

"When Science was Literature,” The Marginalia Review of Books, 2017.

Public Engagement

Public Writing

My writing has appeared in From the Quadrangle and continues to appear in London Pub Theatres. My current podcast, Clio/Mireille: A Fanfiction Podcast, can be found wherever you get your podcasts, as can selected episodes from my previous podcast, Studies in Taylor Swift. I have created podcasts on AI and language learning for the National Humanities Center Humanities in Class Digital Library. I have discussed my course on Taylor Swift with the Associate Press (Yahoo News) and my teaching has been discussed in the media including by the Evening Standard.

"Making Space for the Humanities," From the Quadrangle,, 2021.

"'Make it Sing!' Jon Butler Remembers 320 York," From the Quadrangle,, 2021.

"The Stone Heads of 320 York," From the Quadrangle,, 2021.


Clio/Mireille: A Fanfiction Podcast, multiple platforms, ongoing from August 2022.

Studies in Taylor Swift, multiple platforms, ongoing from March 2021.

"Where Do We Go From Here? The Future of Artificial Intelligence and the Humanities" with Lauren Cox and Joanna Lawson, National Humanities Center Humanities in Class Digital Library, 2021.

"Speaking Eleanor" with Alliya Dagman, Madelaine Matej MacQueen, and Elizabeth Narvaez, National Humanities Center Humanities in Class Digital Library, 2021.


My play Impossible Children was read on The Theatre Viscera Podcast in December 2021 and was featured on the Parsnip Play Club in April 2021.

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