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School of Economics and Finance

2nd Annual “Non-Linearities in Macro” Workshop

When: Monday, September 30, 2024, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Where: Online

About the Workshop

The workshop aims to bring together researchers in academia and central banks working on estimating and modelling non-linearities in macroeconomics. The papers to be presented will explore non-linearities in the transmission of monetary policy, inflation dynamics and those arising in the face of uncertainty.

The workshop is organised by the Bank of England, jointly with Queen Mary University of London and Lancaster University.

Huw Pill (Chief Economist of the Bank of England) will deliver the opening remarks and Giancarlo Corsetti (European University Institute) will be the keynote speaker. 

For the full programme and to register to attend online, please visit the Workshop website: Bank of England: 2nd annual “Non-Linearities in Macro” Workshop | Bank of England.


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